What is Cacao?
Ancient tribes have revered cacao as a sacred, healing plant with many beautiful benefits that aid in opening the heart and healing. It helps to facilitate a deeper connection to self and others, and is used along with dancing, yoga, meditation, and other therapeutic practices. Cacao is a powerful antioxidant and has a wide range of health benefits. High in flavanols, it supports the body by adding fiber, protein, potassium, and magnesium to the system. It’s also beneficial for:
Reduction of fatigue
Muscle Growth
Blood Pressure
Stress Relief
Healthy Gut
Heart Health
Heart Chakra Healing and Opening
Clarity and Mental Focus
Increase Libido
In addition to those benefits, it’s also a natural beauty treatment, rich in skin nourishing minerals and antioxidants. With 4X the antioxidants in gogi berries, 80X the antioxidants of green tea, and 15X the antioxidants of blueberries it proves to be an amazing super food to help boost collagen and increase healing on a cellular level.
Cacao is Food
The active ingredient is theobromine- opening blood vessels to stimulate energy and blood flow.
“Food of the Gods” originally from Mayan culture- the most gentle plant medicine!
Cacao contains anandamide- the bliss molecule (like when you feel a rush from a good workout!)
It is naturally full of Iron, Magnesium, and B-complex vitamins.
It creates more blood flow to the brain- strengthening awareness and focus.
Cacao ceremonies are rooted in helping rebalance the energies within us, restore good health, and connecting with the elements, ancestors, and community!
Ceremony can incorporate dance, movement, or sound to allow cacao to activate within the heart and body creating a transformation!
All the good stuff- heart opening, connection with higher self, enhances/deepens meditation, helps creative pathways, balances female and male energies, & FUN!
The ceremonial cacao we use is made from heirloom strands and land-raised in Central America. It has all of its natural fats and is processed carefully to keep the maximum health benefits. It is grown sustainably and organically in mineral rich grounds! We work with 4 different element blends, Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. Each blend is unique to touching a different part of your soul.
Cacao Ceremony
I prepare high quality cacao with a beautiful blend or aromatic spices like cinnamon, Himalayan salt, sweetened with honey and vanilla. I open each ceremony with and invitation to focus, open the heart, and quiet the mind. We give thanks and honor the plant with respect for its purpose and beautiful benefits. Its mild soothing energy is felt with each sip, and the sense of awareness that flows within the circle is felt by each and every heart.
Cacao ceremonies are gentle shamanic healing sessions. Each ceremony gathering brings a sacred and engaging experience with a community circle, music, and cacao. My ceremonies are held in a safe and comfortable environment with crystals, sage, soft lighting, and beautiful music to help create an intimate setting. Cacao is an uplifting, healing, and beautiful experience and I look forward to guiding you on this path.
If you would you like to participate in an upcoming group event or have a private session, please email or call/text to schedule a consultation or ceremony.